Pigs are fascinating creatures with complex behavioural needs. To help you understand more about pig behaviour and why they need so much care and attention, we’ve put together a handy fact file on pigs:
- Pigs are highly intelligent animals and, therefore, need mental stimulation to thrive. A bored pig is much more likely to develop problem behaviours. It’s important to create opportunities for foraging by offering rooting materials like deep bedding, giving them toys or other suitable objects, and remembering to rotate them regularly to maintain their interest.
- Pigs are naturally social animals and prefer to live in stable social groups. Minimising the mixing of unfamiliar pigs will help to reduce stress and aggression within the herd. Keep in mind that boars are naturally often solitary animals and aggression can be more likely.
- Pigs are inherently clean animals. Given the opportunity and appropriate housing, they will naturally designate specific areas for toileting. Providing clean, dry bedding is essential for their comfort and overall health.
- Pigs are particularly sensitive to temperature fluctuations, due to their inability to sweat. They require adequate shade in the summer months and proper insulation and ventilation during the winter. Providing wallowing opportunities in warm weather is also highly beneficial. Pigs can get heat stress in temperatures as low as 21 degrees Celsius.
- Shortly before giving birth, sows develop a strong nesting instinct. Providing ample clean straw or other suitable nesting material will allow them to express this natural behaviour, which contributes to a more relaxed and successful farrowing.
- Remember, good pig welfare is not only ethically important, but it also translates to healthier, happier, and ultimately more productive pigs.