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Your RSPCA Assured Assessment

When Will Your Assessment Take Place?
If you are a new member, your first assessment will be carried out within 12 weeks of receiving your application, but we will always try to do so sooner. Our existing members will receive an assessment every year. We may also make unannounced visits.

We conduct an assessment every year and may also make unannounced visits. Assessments typically take around two and a half hours depending on the size and type of operation.

On your assessment day, the RSPCA Assured assessor will arrive at the farm gate as scheduled and ensure that the site representative understands the purpose and process of the assessment and the potential consequences of any issues being observed.

Before they step foot on the farm, they also observe a number of biosecurity measures to protect the animals from disease. Once everything is ready, the assessor and the farmer tour the farm together, looking at the animals, buildings, equipment and all records.

Before Your Assessment
During Your Assessment
After Your Assessment

To ensure your assessment can be completed as quickly as possible please check the following:

  1. You have read and met the relevant RSPCA welfare standards
  2. You have a suitable person available to accompany the assessor
  3. You have the following documents available:
  • Defra advisory booklets
  • Veterinary health plans
  • Veterinary medicine and treatment records
  • Farm policies
  • Training records
  • Production records

On arrival, your assessor will confirm their identity, sign the visitors' book and ensure they comply with biosecurity.

  1. They will start by confirming the following:
  • assessment process
  • standards to be assessed
  • site information
  • who will accompany them
  • your report is confidential
  • what happens the following assessment
  1. During your assessment your assessor will:
  • look at the condition of your animals
  • inspect production and service records
  • speak to other stock people
  1. Following your assessment, your assessor will need time to complete their report. They will then:
  • discuss their findings
  • ask you to sign their report
  • advise you of the next steps

Our certification body will decide whether to issue a certificate based on the assessor’s report and, if applicable, evidence of any changes having been made.

Your assessor will provide you with a copy of their assessment report. This will tell you which, if any, standards you have not met (non-compliances) and what evidence you need to send us, like an invoice or photo, to show that you have made the required changes.

You have up to four weeks from the date of your assessment to make any changes and send us your completed report and evidence.

Your assessor cannot advise you on how to make the required changes.


Important Information

You must read and comply with all the relevant RSPCA welfare standards before being assessed, and maintain those standards throughout your membership.

If anything changes after you have renewed, for example, your contact details, facilities, vehicles, management, location, stocking density, or you take a break in production, please let us know in writing straight away.

Cancellation of your Assessment received less than 7 days before the inspection may incur a cost of £199.00.


Complaints Procedure
Investigations & Sanctions

If you receive a complaint regarding RSPCA Assured, your animals, facilities or products etc. you must:

  • keep a record of the complaint and any action taken
  • inform RSPCA Assured of the complaint and any action in writing
  • make records available to your assessor if requested

We will review any complaints we receive and will advise you of the following:

  • any changes that need to be made
  • any evidence needed to show changes have been made
  • any additional assessments that may be required

Complainants are informed of this complaint procedure.

An investigation will be launched whenever RSPCA Assured receives a complaint or is made aware of potential welfare issues on one of our members’ sites.

Find full details of our investigations and sanctions policy.

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