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About the new pig standards

What is the point of the RSPCA welfare standards?

The main ambition of the RSPCA standards is to set the highest possible level of farmed animal welfare based on the latest research, knowledge and on-farm experience, whilst also remaining practical and achievable for farmers. 

The aim with all RSPCA welfare standards is to set them:
  • at the limit of what may be achievable in terms of animal husbandry and commercial viability (i.e. challenging yet practical) so that they deliver improved animal welfare, above and beyond ‘standard’ or typical UK production in key areas.
  • to at least represent good practice, and where possible best practice.
  • to strive to provide animals with a ‘good life’.

The new (2025) pig standards

In December 2024, we announced the upcoming publication of the new RSPCA pig welfare standards. Our members are fundamental to helping us improve pig welfare and we couldn’t make the difference we make without their support. RSPCA Assured is a voluntary scheme, and all of our members are doing their bit to make the world a better place for farmed animals. The RSPCA continually reviews all its welfare standards and aims to publish fully revised and updated versions of the standards every two years. Remaining at the forefront of farmed animal welfare is our driving aim and implementing these progressive standards also increases the trust consumers and retailers put in RSPCA Assured. We will also continue to work to increase demand for your higher welfare produce.

We know all our members want the best for the animals in their care and that farming is often under public scrutiny. As such, we hope these new standards will be a positive step forward, supporting you in achieving your higher welfare goals.

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