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The Members Portal

Logging into the Members Portal

Once your membership is completely approved and your certificate issued, we will send you an email inviting you to the RSPCA Assured Members Portal. This will contain details of how to log in as well as a temporary password. 

When you log in for the first time, please set your password and keep it safe.

Once this is done you can log into the Members Portal any time. You can bookmark this for your reference or click in the top right corner of our website.

Who Can Access the Members Portal?

This is the initial phase of our Members Portal, so for now, only one person from each group membership or independent member will be able to access the portal. We will expand this in phase two to allow multiple logins from groups.

We have developed a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through these new features.

What Can I Do on the Members Portal Now?

We have introduced some new features to the Members Portal including:

  • Contacts page where you can edit, add or delete contacts that are associated with your membership
  • Site units and site assessments pages which can be viewed and downloaded via a report
  • Members help page which will provide additional helpful information for you
  • Certificates can be downloaded from the Home page
Coming Soon to the Members Portal

We are working on developing more features. We will be rolling out new features, shortly, which will allow you to:

Apply For New Sites

An easy-to-use application process will make adding more sites to your existing membership simple.

Updates to Existing Sites

Keep us up-to-date with any developments to your registered sites.

Renew Existing Sites

Quickly renew any existing sites you have with RSPCA Assured, you can continue making a positive impact on the world.

View Correspondence and Access Member Communications

Stay informed and access a library of member communications, including newsletters, reports, and other important updates.

Transfer Membership to a Different Group or Become an Independent Member

Explore new opportunities and expand your impact by transferring your membership to a different group or becoming an independent member.

Make Other Membership Updates 

From updating your payment information to managing your account settings, you can make any necessary updates related to your membership in the RSPCA Assured members area. With our user-friendly platform, you'll have full control over your membership and can make changes at any time.

Still Need Help?

We understand that going digital means a significant change in how you deal with and process your RSPCA Assured membership.

Please, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Membership Services Team for assistance. 

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