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Membership & Licence Fees

Membership Fees

All prices include VAT.

RSPCA Assured is a non-profit making charity and exists solely to bring about welfare improvements for farmed animals. The only income RSPCA Assured receives is an annual membership fee from its members and a licence fee for the use of the RSPCA Assured logo. Every penny of these fees are reinvested back into the scheme to cover the running costs and bring about welfare improvements, and not taken as profit.

One-off Joining Fee £36.00
PLUS the appropriate fees below  
Pullets & Turkeys  
Up to 12,000 birds £299.00
Additional multiples of 12,000 birds £68.40
Laying Hens  
Up to 6,000 birds £299.00
Additional multiples of 6,000 birds £68.40
Chickens & Ducks  
Up to 30,000 birds  £142.80
Additional multiples of 30,000 birds £68.40
Poultry Catching Team(s)  
Single  £299.00
Each additional team £68.40
Dairy Cattle  
Up to 200 animals  £142.80
For 201 animals and over £211.20
Beef Cattle & Sheep  
Up to 200 animals  £142.80
For 201 animals and over  £211.20
Breeder or rearer or finisher   £299.00
Breeder, rearer (rearer, finisher) £299.00
Breeder, rearer, finisher £299.00
Salmon & Trout  
Well boats and all sites, including hatcheries, tank units and abattoir £583.20
First vehicle £142.80
Each additional vehicle/trailer £20.40
Helicopter transport £486.00
Fish road hauliers  £142.80
Abattoir, Processor/Packers & Hatcheries  
Per site  £454.80
Revisits, including additions  £199.00
Service Charge  
Site revisit cost  £199.00
Derogation/Exception requests  £125.00
Deadline extensions  £33.00
Reinstatement of Certification/Membership  £46.00
Report generation per hour  £43.00
Duplicate certificate issue  £4.00


  • Annual membership fee for 12 months
  • Issue of annual certificate
  • Cost of single annual inspection and administration
Cancellations received less than 7 days
before the inspection may incur a cost of £199
Licence Fees

Licence fees are paid by processors/packers selling RSPCA Assured produce. Licence fee returns must be submitted on a monthly or quarterly basis as appropriate.

Returns must be submitted within 14 days of the end of the period.

Product  Rate
Meat, Poultry & Liquid egg  0.375% of value of product sold
Eggs (including boiled eggs)  5p per 30 dozen eggs sold
Milk  2.5p per 20 litres sold
0.875p of value of product sold per kilo (gutted weight)
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